The service is available online on web portal The system allows online application submission, payment, tracking and monitoring without the need for a physical touch point for document submission and verification. All applications are submitted online only. The system allows user to download final signed approval certificate online from the portal
Procedure |
Comprehensive list of Document(s) Required |
Fee Structure |
Mandated Timeline |
Checklist |
For Fresh Registration |
The user has to create a profile login id on web portal using operational email id and mobile number
Signed & scanned copy of Form 2
Fees Structure
45 days (Pursuance to the provisions stipulated under section 6 of Factories Act, 1948 and Rules 7, 8, 10 & 14, PFR, 1952, on receipt of the application along with required documents for factory license from the Management on the website of Department i.e. The plans at first instance will be dealt by the Assistant who will process the case well within 20 days. If all of the documents along with the application along with required documents found in proper order in accordance with the Scrutiny Sheet as well as Checklist, the Assistant, will further process the case to the DD/JD. If the application along with required documents not found in accordance with the provisions/checklist, objections have been raised online.
After that DD/Joint Dir, IS&H will go through the application along with required documents to see any discrepancies left at the level of Assistant. During scrutiny, if the application along with required documents found in accordance with the provisions/checklist the same will be forwarded to ACIF, HQ. Total time for the entire process at the level of DD/JD, IS&H has been given 14 days.
After that ACIF will go through the application along with required to see any discrepancies left at the level of Assistant, DD/JD, IS&H. During scrutiny, if the application along with required documents found in accordance with the provisions/checklist the same will be approved and published. If, application along with required documents not found in accordance with the provisions/checklist the same application will be return to the management for the compliance for the observations. Total time for the entire process at the level of DD/JD, IS&H has been given 10 days.) |
Checklist Attached |
After using his/her login ID , the user has to fill the basic information performa(BIP). This performa contains all the basic information of the factory like address, workers, amount of power used, Details of occupier /manager, Manufacturing process & declaration etc
Copy of factory building plans approval letter, if required as per procedure (Note: The blue prints of drawing are not required but only the forwarding letter on the approved drawings)
Forwarding letter - User may state their contentions by uploading any prepared documents.
List of director/ partners
Application in Form No. 2 - The online application in form no 2 (system generated form) is submitted. It uses all the data already filled in BIP, wherever required.
AOA/MOA/Partnership Deed, only relevant pages may be uploaded
The scanned copy of the documents as listed in next column, as applicable, should be legible and size of the individual document not to be more than 2 MB per document.
Board resolution authoring the Occupier
Next step is to make fee payment. The fees is calculated automatically. Information of previosuly paid fee (if any) is also available. The system at this step shows the calculation of fee year wise and enables user to make the payment of balance fee via Online e-GRAS using Debit/Credit Cards/ Net Banking
Sanctioned load from HVPNL / Latest Electricity Bill
However, user may also deposit this amount of the balance/pending fee in the old fashion of Treasury Challan or if has already paid on e- GRAS directly but has to upload its scanned copy immediately as a proof of fee payment.
The system shall be keeping the logs of all the earlier submitted BIP, Factory license Application in chronological order.
At the time of final submission of form no. 2 as an application for factory license, OTP (One Time Password) is sent to registered mobile number for verfication. Once verified, the application is submitted into the system for internal processing.
Internal processing:
The application can be applied at the end user login; same application can be viewable at the Department officer login. The Department officer will check the application under (new/in process/marked/unpublished/observation/Reply) for application, & process the application via verifying the applicant document list under the scrutiny. The process flow for Department officer is explained below:
- First level-The Assistant of the Factory Wing check’s the online application inside his login and comment online at the Departmental portal. The same application will be marked to the second level officer (Deputy Director IS&H).
- Second level-The DDIS&H will review the comments of the assistant on the factory online application. If agreed on the comments of the Assistant of the Factory wing, the officer DDIS&H process the application & mark it to the JDIS&H(Joint Director).In case of the objection in the application the JDIS&H can generate the observation & publish it .The same observation can be viewable at the End user login & it can be replied via End user too.
- Third Level- The Joint Director (IS&H) can review the same application and mark the application to the Additional Director (IS&H) for final approval of the Factory License.
Scrutiny Process:
The following are the list of the documents which can be scrutinizes at the process of the application by Department officers (Assitant, DD(IS&H), JD(IS&H), Additional Director(IS&H):
1. License Fee/ Late Fee/ Additional Fee/ Medical Examination Fee Received Yes No N/A . |
2. Is copy of duly signed form-2 uploaded ? -Yes No N/A |
3. Are factory building plans approved ? Yes No N/A |
4. Is occupier one of the Director/Partner ? Yes No N/A |
5. Is list of Directors/Partners submitted ? Yes No N/A |
6. Is resolution to declare Occupier under section 2(n) of the Factories Act received and properly worded? Yes No N/A |
7. Is there an increase/decrease in H.P., if so a copy of the current sanctioned load from HVPNL submitted ? Yes No N/A |
8. Column No(s) point 8 , point 10 left blank Yes No N/A Click to view Form2 |
9. Is Amendment Fee Rs. 30 for the change in the Name of Factory/ Occupier/ Location/ Increase in No. of workers/ Amount of Power submitted ? Yes No N/A |
10. Whether the name of the Factory has been changed. If so, certificate of incorporation submitted ? Yes No N/A |
11. The name of the Occupier has been changed Yes No N/A |
12. Has number of worker increased Yes No N/A |
13. Has number of worker decreased Yes No N/A |
14. Has amount of power increased Yes No N/A |
15. Has amount of power decreased Yes No N/A |
16. Name or Address of the factory has been changed Yes No |
Make sure user is providing valid mobile number.
Download the system generated form no. 2 in pdf and upload after duly signing
Once application is submitted, user can track the application by logging into the system using previously created login id. Any compliance related query / document can be submitted online during the process
After submission of the complete online application along with attachment and payment of statutory fees, the application gets automatically reflected in the account of the department officers/officials (Assistant, Deputy Director DD(IS&H), JD(IS&H), Additional Director(IS&H)) for scrutiny of the application and attachments.
The application is scrutinized at the first level of dealing assistant in the department. The plans at first instance will be dealt by the Assistant who will process the case well within 20 days. If all of the documents along with the application alongwith required documents found in proper order in accordance with the Scrutiny Sheet as well as Checklist, the Assistant, will further process the case to the DD/JD. If the application along with required documents not found in accordance with the provisions/checklist, objections have been raised online.
After that DD/Joint Dir, IS&H will go through the application along with required documents to see any discrepancies left at the level of Assistant. During scrutiny, if the application along with required documents found in accordance with the provisions/checklist the same will be forwarded to ACIF, HQ. Total time for the entire process at the level of DD/JD, IS&H has been given 14 days.
After that ACIF will go through the application along with required to see any discrepancies left at the level of Assistant, DD/JD, IS&H. During scrutiny, if the application alongwith required documents found in accordance with the provisions/checklist the same will be approved and published. If, application along with required documents not found in accordance with the provisions/checklist the same application will be return to the management for the compliance for the observations. Total time for the entire process at the level of DD/JD, IS&H has been given 10 days. who records his observations and mark the case in the system to the next level officer account who further scrutinized the case and observations provided by first level and marks the same in the system to the competent authority for grant of the certificate otherwise asks the applicant to make compliance of the observations.
The officers/officials (Assistant, Deputy Director DD(IS&H), JD(IS&H), Additional Director(IS&H)) during scrutiny process record his/her observations, if any, on the application and make known to the applicants via automatic generated e-mail and SMS. The observations are also visible to the applicant when he/she login to view the status of application.
The applicant can reply or make the compliance to these observations in the login panel of this e- service itself.
The officers/officials (Assistant,Deputy Director DD(IS&H), JD(IS&H), Additional Director(IS&H)) grant the license or renew or amend it as the case may be if application is complete in all respect and applicant can download the license from his login.
Once application is approved, user can download the license certificate online by logging into the system
Email and SMS are sent during various stages of application on registered email id and Mobile number
The downloaded license carry randomally generaetd 16 digits number for third parties to easily verify the approval certificates in the public domain of at least past two years
For Renewal Registration |
If the user have got the license offline previously then he have to upload the copy of the previous factory license otherwise if the license was genereted online last time then the user do not need to provide previous license. |
Copy of Previous Factory License |
Fees Structure |
45 days (Pursuance to the provisions stipulated under section 6 of Factories Act, 1948 and Rules 7, 8, 10 & 14, PFR, 1952, on receipt of the application along with required documents for factory license from the Management on the website of Department i.e. The plans at first instance will be dealt by the Assistant who will process the case well within 20 days. If all of the documents along with the application along with required documents found in proper order in accordance with the Scrutiny Sheet as well as Checklist, the Assistant, will further process the case to the DD/JD. If the application along with required documents not found in accordance with the provisions/checklist, objections have been raised online.
After that DD/Joint Dir, IS&H will go through the application along with required documents to see any discrepancies left at the level of Assistant. During scrutiny, if the application along with required documents found in accordance with the provisions/checklist the same will be forwarded to ACIF, HQ. Total time for the entire process at the level of DD/JD, IS&H has been given 14 days.
After that ACIF will go through the application along with required to see any discrepancies left at the level of Assistant, DD/JD, IS&H. During scrutiny, if the application along with required documents found in accordance with the provisions/checklist the same will be approved and published. If, application along with required documents not found in accordance with the provisions/checklist the same application will be return to the management for the compliance for the observations. Total time for the entire process at the level of DD/JD, IS&H has been given 10 days.) |
Checklist Attached |
Rest procedure will remain same as explained for Fresh Registration |
Signed & scanned copy of Form 2 |
For Amendment Registration |
If the user have made any changes in number of workers, Power consumption or name of the establishment etc then he have to apply for Amendment for there license. |
Rest procedure will remain same as explained for Fresh Registration |